
Hillary Conheady

Name: Hillary Conheady

Current City: Charleston, South Carolina

Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia

Occupation: Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger

Hillary Conheady is a fashion and lifestyle blogger based in Charleston, South Carolina.  A recent graduate of the University of Alabama, she received her degree in Clothing, Textiles, and Design with dreams of creating a career in the fashion community. 

Now, with the help of her blog Hillheady, she is. 

What's the origin story of HillHeady and what are your goals for the future?
I often receive this question - where does "hillheady" come from? Well, it's a combination of my first name "Hillary" and my last name "Conheady". My family also loves the Grateful Dead - we are all Deadheads - and ironically having "heady" in our last name, we all ended up using "heady" in our Instagram handles and I guess it just stuck! Now for how I started my blog, I had just moved to NYC, I was unemployed and without internet in my apartment, spending my days in Starbucks applying for jobs and needed something to pass the time, so I decided to start a website to boost my resume. In the future, I hope to continue to not only expand my blog and my current reach but push my creative boundaries. I'm always excited to see what the next trends are and try new things and hope to bring new content to my followers!

When did your love for fashion begin, and how has your style transformed over the years?
I believe my love of fashion started in high school. I, for some reason, created a challenge for myself to not repeat an outfit for the entire year and to always try to look my best (yes, of course, I did succeed and was voted Best Dressed of my senior class!). I also took my first fashion class in high school and learned I could make a career out of this little "hobby". I later attended the University of Alabama and studied Fashion Merchandising. My style has definitely changed throughout the years due to trends of course, but also due to growing and learning more about myself. I've found recently that I've been dressing a lot more feminine and exploring with color, and this reflects my personality to a T.

Are you a full-time fashion and lifestyle blogger or is it a side hustle? 
I am currently a full-time blogger. Originally, it started as a hobby and I truly did not realize the many things that come along with blogging (i.e. sponsored partnerships, pitching companies, taxes, etc.). It has truly been a learning experience, but I have enjoyed it all!

Prior to living in Charleston, you were living in the Big Apple. Can you tell us a little bit about your experience there and why you chose to relocate to Charleston?
I moved to New York right after graduating from the University of Alabama. It all happened very quickly - I moved a week after my graduation date, got an apartment in Williamsburg, and started my job at Saks Fifth Avenue's corporate office. It was an incredible learning experience and I grew so much in my career and as a person. Ultimately, I wanted to be closer to my family and decided to make the move back to the south. I also saw so much in Charleston and wanted to be a part of this rapidly growing city!

What is your favorite thing about Charleston?
I felt instantly welcomed when I moved to Charleston. The community is so creative and inspiring here! I love how much I have learned since moving here and now how much I am pushing myself to be better. It's a very uplifting a supportive bunch!

Do you have any projects or collaborations on the books you'd like the readers to know about?
Of course a little fashion, a little fun, and maybe a little travel! Stay tuned! (and follow @hillheady on Instagram to see! *wink wink*)

If you could collaborate with any person or brand, who would you collaborate with and why?
I would love to partner with a company like Nordstrom or Target that I have been shopping from for years. A company that I have loved first hand and is well known throughout the country.

Discuss the importance of paying it forward.
I am so grateful that I now have this platform to discuss important issues I am passionate about. For example, I recently partnered with Boxed Water to promote a campaign in which anyone can upload a photo of their Boxed Water and the company will plant 2 trees. It is so important to ensure as bloggers we aren't just uploading pretty pictures in cute clothes. Whether it's improving the environment or promoting body positivity, we have to speak up. 

What's one piece of advice you'd give to young creatives around the world?
Start now. It took me a long time to start my blog because I didn't think I could and I think back on all the time I wasted. Therefore, start now! You will learn as you go.

Who are some of your greatest influences?
I am so inspired by Blair Eadie of Atlantic-Pacific. She has an elegance and chicness to her style that I aspire to! I also love Color Me Courtney, because of her bright and fun outlook on life and fashion!

What/who are you grateful for?
I am incredibly grateful for my parents who have been so supportive and helped me start my blog. Blogging does not come cheap and I have needed their help from time to time, whether it was when I was living in New York and simply needed to buy my domain or when I moved to Charleston and needed a place to live. My dad is also the one who I go to when it comes to financial questions. I don't know where I would be without Jane and Gerry!

What does empowerment mean to you?
I am all for empowerment and girl power - especially when it comes to the blogging community. I am always proud to see women building each other up instead of tearing each other down. We need a lot more of that these days and I try to emulate that across my social media.

Do you have a personal mantra or quote that inspires you?
I try my best to live life colorfully. I find that when I'm wearing bright and fun clothes, my mood follows. I'm also trying my best to spread positivity across my feed and blog. If I can make at least one person smile, I'm a happy camper!


To follow Hillary’s journey, take a peep at her WebsiteInstagram or Facebook.

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